Another snow and ice melting season is upon us. Environmental Technology has prepared its most significant stocking level increase that any of us here can remember. Even still, the last several weeks have already shown a great growth in snow and ice melting control and sensor sales.

The best way to make sure you have the controls and sensors you need is to stock them. A good guide for stocking levels is to look at your busiest four to six weeks in the last couple of seasons. Keep that many on-hand, re-ordering units as they sell, from now through mid-February. That should provide you with enough safety stock to serve your customers through the winter even if there is a mid-season run on any controls or sensors. Then in Spring and Summer let your stock levels drop, keeping just enough of each unit to cover service work.

For help in your reviewing you order history and for new product information, please give us a call at 574-233-1202 (800-234-4239 in US and Canada). Ask for Dennis, he will be glad to help you.